Starting Line Investigative Clips
(All photos belong to Isabella Murray)
I've reported on many COVID-19 focused stories. This includes a scoop of wrongfully reported virus data from the state of Iowa and an investigation into an anomalous rural county in the state—able to trace its virus outbreaks back to an orthodox Jewish community from Brooklyn, New York with ties to the Kushner family. I’ve looked into other Iowa counties where outbreaks have been particularly strong in schools and updated readers on constantly changing Iowa Department of Public Health guidelines.
Issues on the right.
I’ve written about how Iowa’s Department of Homeland Security funded “Killology” police trainer Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman’s travel and appearances in the state and how President Donald Trump's Iowa operation has experienced significant staff turnover in the past year due to hostile work environments and little pay.
When the derecho—a natural disaster that meteorologists liken to an inland hurricane— hit most of central Iowa, I spent a weekend reporting on the devastation. This included the stories of Cedar Rapids, IA’s large community of refugees.