Starting Line Campaign Clips
(All photos belong to Isabella Murray)
On the trail with Joe Biden.
The night before I was set to interview former Vice President Joe Biden, Rudy Giuliani said he told Ukraine to investigate the Democratic hopeful and his son, on-air, allowing me to be one of the first people to get Biden’s reaction. I’ve asked Biden about his climate change policies in a podcast interview and have covered his candidate events corresponding with major breaking news.
On the trail with Elizabeth Warren.
I covered Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s arc as a candidate in Iowa— from her early election-cycle event turnouts of around 2,000 to the lasting question of her electability near Feb. 3, caucus day.
On the trail with Cory Booker and Julian Castro.
I’ve spent time on a bus roving around Iowa with Sen. Cory Booker and in January sat down with him to discuss the then-escalating situation in Iran. I’ve spoken with former HUD Secretary Julian Castro about his affordable housing plans and analyzed his candidacy ahead of his departure from the race.
When news slowed down in Iowa, I was able to write about bigger picture aspects of the race. Sometimes it was fun, like this profile of a group of Andrew Yang supporters living together for a few weeks in a large refurbished Davenport, IA Victorian home. I also followed the progressive movement’s activity in Iowa— from Sen. Bernie Sanders’ grassroots efforts in the state to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surrogacy.
I’ve written about how “Eco-Anxiety” plagues young people in the climate movement, covered Greta Thunberg rallies and wrote about how Iowans drove the national debate on carbon farming.
Affordable Housing.